Ancient stable Caserma La Marmora
Roma (RM)

Site: Roma
Year: 2019
Client: MIBACT - Segretariato Regionale per il Lazio
Area: 1.345 mq
The ancient complex of San Francesco a Ripa, located in Trastevere, is now home to the Carabinieri of the Cultural Heritage Protection Unit and ICCROM (the international agency responsible for training restoration technicians). The intervention is part of the redevelopment plan of the entire complex of San Francesco a Ripa and will allow for the recovery of spaces that are not fully used, at the moment.
The A61s project consists of the recovery of three rooms of the building and the redevelopment of the internal courtyard. The purpose of the project is to create an area for public use between the various spaces.
A self-supporting structure, made of steel and laminated wood, will allow for the construction of a second story on the guesthouse units, without directly affecting the original architectural structures. The same self- supporting structure will act as a divider between the "public" and "private" areas.The use of a structural brise-soleil system will allow for the construction of an exhibition gallery that will be connected to the multipurpose room.