Aula of Venus and Mars
Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica
Site: Ostia Antica (RM)
Year: 2019
Client: MIBACT - Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica
Area: 1.607,92 mq
The area includes different rooms on the north front of the Decumanus of the city of Ostia Antica: in the south east corner of the block there is a small nymphaeum, built in masonry and probably dating back to the time of Antonino Pio, excavated in 1913. Adjacent to the nymphaeum there is a built block, called "Caseggiato", consisting of a long row of shops arranged on the front of the Decumanus divided into three units: Eastern, Central (from which the Aula of Venus and Mars was subsequently obtained) and Western. From here you enter the Aula of Venus and Mars, oriented east-west and consisting of two large opposing apses, decorated with marble on the walls and flanked on the east front by a raised room with a colonnaded entrance. On the west corner, between the Decumano and Via dei Molini, is located the Republican Temple, perhaps dedicated to Neptune and the Dioscuri. In this lot, the weeding activities were not particularly demanding, the works in this case was characterized by the specificity and location of the interventions, structural and otherwise, which affected different portions of the area, especially in the sector of Aula of Venus and Mars.