Decumano Massimo
Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica

Site: Ostia Antica (RM)
Years: 2014 - 2015
Client: MIBACT - Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica
Area: 15.006,83 mq
This work is part of a larger weeding, study and restoration project of the monumental structures on the south side of the Decumano of the Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica.
The area was completely hidden by weed vegetation which compromised some portions also from a structural point of view. The complexity of the project therefore imposed a preliminary study from the historical point of view and the history of the restoration, leading to an in-depth study of issues related to the conservation and maintenance of the wall structures and not only, given the presence of decorative elements such as marble floors, mosaics and frescoes, in compliance with the philosophy of minimal intervention with the dual objective of safety and conservation.
The team of A61s has been involved in the preparation of graphical drawings which, starting from the geometric surveys, summarize each type of survey carried out in relation to the consequent proposed work. In this way the project documents have inextricably linked the analysis phase to the project phase, facilitating the work of a construction site.