S. Ignazio's Square
Roma (RM)
Site: Roma
Year: 2019
Client: MIBACT - Comando Carabinieri per la Tutela del Patrimonio Culturale
Area: 650 mq
Architect Filippo Raguzzini designed Piazza Sant’Ignazio in the heart of the Roman district of Campo Marzio in the eighteenth century.
Given the importance of the intervention area, it seemed appropriate to have a design approach that started from a historical and architectural study of the place, with the aim not only of redeveloping the urban space, but enhancing it by recovering the lost spatial relationships. The studies and research carried out have highlighted an intimate relationship between the square and the church of St. Ignatius, which today appears greatly reduced. In fact, modern needs and access to the vehicular traffic area generate continuous wild stops in front of the church; hence the need for deterrence by inserting the current planters, which have made them lose the correct spatial relationships and have considerably attenuated the strong link between the church building and the urban void in front.
The project aims to recreate this link through the use of a modern and minimal shape, the sphere. The simplicity of the spherical-circular shape and its ductility, as well as the immediate association with the canonic geometry of the square.