New Museum of Roman Ships
Fiumicino (RM)
Site: Fiumicino
Year: 2018
Area: 3.124 mq
The idea of the Museum of Roman Ships (Mu.Na.R.) stems from the intention to restore the function of the existing one in via A. Guidoni (Fiumicino), which has been closed to the public for over 10 years. The inability to visit the museum, combined with the continuous findings (Scafa bridge and new excavations of ancient Ostia), require a strategic, political and architectural planning solution. The Mu.Na.R. aims to reconcile the port past of Rome with an architecture of architectural importance, such as that of the former ENEL power plant in via del Faro, built by Riccardo Morandi in 1954, in a context rich in history but lacking of places able to tell it. Being located in a strategic position, easily accessible from Rome, the Museum is the cultural pivot of a wider planning that includes the Archaeological-naturalistic Park of the harbour of Trajan, the archaeological area of the harbour of Claudius, the Necropolis of Porto and the Ostia Antica Archaeological Park.