Palazzo Gagliardi
Serrata ( RC)

Site: Serrata (RC)
Years: 2007 -2015
Client: Comune di Serrata (RC)
Area: 1.080,11 mq
The conservative restoration of the ancient Palazzo Gagliardi has allowed the creation of a multifunctional center in the old town centre of Serrata through the enhancement of a building of considerable historical and artistic value.
The project was carried out by re-proposing the local construction techniques and materials of the historic site, preserving the original structure of the building intact and exploiting the connection with some rural buildings for the realization of the services necessary for the new structures (exhibition and multifunctional rooms). The only new volume is the construction of the small 90-seat basement auditorium surrounded by greenery.
The materials used to characterize the new volumes are laminated wood and copper.
The transparency of the lamellar filter elements and the presence of the water mirror mark the transition between the existing factories and the new auditorium structure.