Roofing project of archaeological structures
Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica

Site: Ostia Antica (RM)
Year: 2021
Client: MIC - Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica
Area: 500 mq
Team: Acaia 61 Studio Architecture, Yellow Room
Regio V is one of the best known portions of the roman city of Ostia Antica: many monumental and public buildings were already brought to light at the beginning of the 1930s, modern excavation campaigns have focused investigations on the blocks of common buildings.
Building 2 of block II revealed a complex sequence of masonry structures and rooms remodeled for different functions, between the roman-republican age and the second century AD.
The current laminated wood roof was built thirty years ago and today it is very deteriorated. Keeping the priority of protecting the structures firm, a new all-steel roof was designed.
Steel solves the problem of wood deterioration and reduces maintenance costs because it is treated with a special painting cycle that makes it less susceptible to corrosive agents.
The visual impact is minimized: the system rests on punctual attachments and the elements used are thinner than the previous ones. The rust color of the treated steel fits in well with the context.
The runway inside the building is designed in grilled steel covered with slats of eco-sustainable material, it is equipped with a handrail and an anti-fall barrier that is easy to access even for people with different motor skills.
The roofing project also includes the consolidation and restoration of the ancient structures inside the building.