Variano Circus
Archaeological area of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme Roma (RM)
Site: Roma (RM)
Year: 2014
Client: MIBACT - Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma
Area: 17 mq
The project aimed at consolidating and securing a small vaulted room in the Variano Circus, located in the archaeological area of S. Croce in Gerusalemme.
It is a quadrangular compartment in brick bearing masonry, which preserves parts of the vaulted system. The back wall showed a lesion with rotation of a section of masonry: a point of great vulnerability of the structure. The anchoring of the masonry and the safety of the structure was therefore designed by inserting a system of chains at the shutter of the arch of the vault on the back wall and at the top to chain the transverse walls to the masonry with the base one. The restoration of the curtain walls followed the principle of minimum intervention and the areas at structural risk were consolidated by integrating, where necessary, the walls, with the "cuci e scuci" method with new bricks compatible in nature and size.