Aula of Venus and Mars
Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica

Site: Ostia Antica (RM)
Year: 2019
Client: MIBACT - Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica
Area: 1.607,92 mq
The area includes different rooms on the north front of the Decumano Massimo of ancient Ostia: a small nymphaeum, a large room in which the Hall of Mars and Venus has been obtained, with two large opposing apses, a roman-republican temple.
The survey of the area was organized according to a specific operational strategy.
A first phase consisted in the realization of the topographic polygon and positioning of the topographic stations in the identified points.
A compensation report of the topographic networks and laser scans and a database of scans and point clouds that can be imported into specific software was created.
All the documents were supplied in CAD digital format, appropriately quoted and inclusive of the graphic and textual information necessary for the knowledge of the lot in question.