Domus dei Capitelli di Stucco
Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica - Ostia Antica (RM)
Site: Ostia Antica (RM)
Year: 2019
Client: MIBACT - Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica
Area: 2.788,2 mq
The works concern the recovery and restoration of blocks IV, V and VII located between the Decumano Massimo and Via della Fortuna Annonaria.
The main interventions will be the chemical and manual weeding, the restoration of the masonry structures and the safety of some portions of artifact,the manual cleaning of the mosaics and the arrangement of the walking levels.
This will be followed by the restoration of the stone columns and the relative stuccos, the safety of the floor mosaics, painted plasters and floor surfaces.
The processing is divided into phases from the preparation of the temporary construction site on the road to general cleaning excavation of the construction site area.
The Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica is an open-air museum in which visitors have free access to most of the structures, it is therefore very important that the construction site is well delimited and closed to prevent the access of tourists and therefore the he area will be fenced with electro-welded wire mesh panels.