Domus Costantiniane
Archaeological area of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme Roma (RM)
Site: Rome
Year: 2016
Client: MIBACT - Soprintendenza per Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio
Area: 25 mq
The Domus Costantiniane are part of that residential area built close to the Aurelian Walls reserved for the dignitaries of the imperial court of Elena, mother of Costantino.
In particular, work was done on two of these houses: the Domus dei Ritratti and the Domus della Fontana.
It is a series of rooms richly decorated with mosaics, frescoes and marble slabs; of the two domus, in addition to the reception rooms, the service areas with bipedal flooring remained. The presence of the mosaic flooring constitutes the characterizing aspect of the entire complex, including the two mosaics with the reproduction of two portraits: a male and a female bust in the center of the floors of the respective rooms.
The progressive abandonment have determined a profoundly altered aspect of the entire architectural complex that was deprived of some elements such as portions of flooring, frescoes and marble slabs of coating.
The main interventions listed below were carried out by acting on the most present degradations, based on the aforementioned analyzes aimed at preserving the product over time: removal of incoherent superficial deposit, blocking of mosaic tiles, re-establishing the adhesion of the preparatory layers, grouting, biocide treatment.